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a women having her mammography


The goal of breast cancer screening is to find cancer at the earliest possible stage, before it causes symptoms or pain and when it is easier to treat.


Studies reveal that over 16% of  Indian women of the age group 40-60 are at risk of being diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Further, delayed detection can result in 1 of every 22 women developing breast cancer in India.

The best way to detect breast cancer early is to go for regular breast screening exams.

At Prime Diagnostic Centre, we consistently emphasise the importance of preventive screening and check-ups to ensure that your breasts are healthy. 


What is Mammography


A simple, low-dose X-ray (your breast is exposed to small, low-risk amounts of radiation) captures digital images of the internal tissues to determine the possibility of irregularities. The images can reveal areas too small or deep to feel, which may or may not require further investigation.


How to Prepare


Wear comfortable clothing and avoid wearing jewellery, deodorants, powders and perfumes, which can interfere with the accuracy of the film image. For a more comfortable exam, schedule mammograms for the week after the onset of your menstrual cycle.


What to Expect


A mammography test is a relatively simple procedure. You will be asked to remove your clothes from the waist up. The technologist will position your breast and gently compress it upon the image plate. It is necessary to spread and compress the breast tissue between the two surfaces of the equipment to reduce the thickness of the breast. This allows for lower doses of radiation and the clearest possible X-ray image. Positioning the breast is painless and noninvasive, but some patients feel a small amount of pressure during the few seconds that the image is taken. You will probably have at least two pictures taken in different positions. The procedure will then be repeated for the other breast. The entire procedure usually lasts about 15 to 30 minutes.


How can we help


At Prime Diagnostic Centre, we firmly believe that preventive health care is the best measure you can take to safeguard your health. To this end, regular mammography tests are important for early detection of breast cancer. We are well-equipped with the requisite skill and infrastructure to conduct mammography tests with minimal convenience and high accuracy. 


The American Cancer Society recommends the following breast cancer screening guidelines for most women:

  • Women ages 40 to 44 should have the choice to start annual breast cancer screening with mammograms if they wish to do so.

  • Women age 45 to 54 should get mammograms every year.

  • Women 55 and older should switch to mammograms every two years, or can continue yearly screening.

  • Screening should continue as long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live 10 more years or longer.

  • All women should be familiar with the known benefits, limitations and potential harms linked to breast cancer screening.


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