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Doctor Operating CT Scanner


Prime Diagnostic Centre at Palampur offers the facility of state-of-the-art 32 Slice CT Scanner for faster imaging, accurate results and lower radiation dose .


The first thing that comes to mind when someone gets hurt, falls sick, or is severely injured is how to be okay again. And, these are the times when in order to understand what is causing the pain that you are going through the doctors have to look for the causes. At these times the doctors make the most of an array of tests to check what is affecting your health. These tests include blood tests, X-rays, MRI, CT scans, and so on. 

What is a CT Scan


CT scan stands for computed tomography scan which allows a doctor to see what is going on inside the body of a patient. The combination of a computer and x-rays are used to create pictures of the bones, organs, and other tissues.

A CT scan is a painless, quick, and easy procedure that can be performed on any part of the body. Prime Diagnostic Centre at Palampur offers efficient CT scans to needy patients.

A CT scan can be used to visualize nearly all parts of the body and is used to diagnose disease or injury as well as to plan medical, surgical or radiation treatment.


What is the purpose of a CT scan?


Almost everyone is familiar with CT scans, but everyone isn't aware of what it is or what purpose it serves. Today, we are going to answer your query what is the purpose of a CT scan.

  • A CT scan has the power to detect every kind of joint and bone related problems. This includes tumors and complex bone fractures.

  • In case a patient is suffering from a serious condition like cancer, liver masses, or emphysema, it is a CT scan that will help a doctor spot it. They will be able to see any noticeable change very clearly.

  • If a patient has undergone an accident, then the doctors will clearly see any signs of internal bleeding or injuries.

  • CT scans help a doctor locate a blood clot, tumor, infection, or excessive fluid inside the body.

  • It is because of a CT scan that a doctor can proceed with other procedures and treatment plans. This includes radiation therapy, surgery, and biopsies.

  • A doctor will be able to compare CT scans and find out whether or not a treatment is working properly for a patient. A CT scan of a tumor will continue to show a doctor whether it is being affected by the correct treatment like radiation or chemotherapy.

  • Doctors can check for blockage in a blood vessel or similar issues. A CT scan permits the doctor to examine blood vessels without performing any serious exploratory surgery or surgical biopsy. This is crucial for those patients who need diagnosis or treatment of vascular diseases.


When To Avoid:


  • Inform your doctor if you have had allergy to contrast dyes

  • Avoid the test if you are pregnant

  • Inform your doctor if you are on metformin (Glucophage) for diabetes


How To Prepare:


It depends on which part of the body is being scanned. You may be asked to:

  • Remove any jewellery that you are wearing because it may interfere with the test results

  • Do not eat anything for 4 to 6 hours before the test

  • In case of infants or toddlers, the doctor may inject a sedative to keep the child calm and still because movements may result in blurred images


What you can expect


CT scans are painless and, with newer machines, take only a few minutes. The whole process typically takes about 30 minutes.


During the procedure


You lie on a narrow, motorized table that slides through the opening into a tunnel. Straps and pillows may be used to help you stay in position. During a head scan, the table may be fitted with a special cradle that holds your head still.

While the table moves you into the scanner, detectors and the X-ray tube rotate around you. Each rotation yields several images of thin slices of your body. You may hear buzzing and whirring noises.

A technologist in a separate room can see and hear you. You will be able to communicate with the technologist via intercom. The technologist may ask you to hold your breath at certain points to avoid blurring the images.


After the procedure


After the exam you can return to your normal routine. If you were given contrast material, you may receive special instructions. In some cases, you may be asked to wait for a short time before leaving to ensure that you feel well after the exam. After the scan, you'll likely be told to drink lots of fluids to help your kidneys remove the contrast material from your body.



CT images are stored as electronic data files and are usually reviewed on a computer screen. A radiologist interprets these images and prepares your report.


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